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  • Writer's picture@MarcanumX

Patience & Time, With a Dose of Shade 45

Updated: Jan 13, 2019

Peace everyone!

I’ve been quiet for some time, but today, I’m ready to update you all on what has happened in the last 7-8 months, and what’s next in the world of Marcanum X.

Originally, my update was going to expand upon being careful in the hip hop/music industry. However, I felt it would be better to speak on that subject another time. I reminisce on some positive milestones and memories made in 2018, but first; I wanted to address something I feel to be important.

Earlier this year, I made a promise that my upcoming EP “WOTW” would be released. Due to technical complications, college, and personal family matters; I have fallen short of such promises for new music. Legitimate excuse or not, I have felt that I’ve disappointed my fans who have stuck with me for so long, yet, I haven’t provided the content in return. For that, I apologize. Although my support is small in number, YOU (the fans) are the listeners seeking more from me. Thank you for your continued patience and belief in me.

I am officially back up and running again; new upgrades and all. During the holidays, I spent time working on the upcoming album. As I finish my bachelor’s degree this next year, I will have more time to push out more quality music I've promised in less time. Trust me, this won’t turn into Dr. Dre’s “Detox”. However, high quality takes time.

Back in May, I released my single “Horrorscope”. Generally, it was received quite well amongst random fans with all sorts of constructive feedback. I also created this website around the same time, which has been newly updated (and will be updated more frequently).

In October, I had an amazing opportunity happen to me that I want to share with you; something I never thought possible (especially for a solo hip hop artist from Utah):

I discovered an opportunity to expand; to showcase a song that could be aired to possibly hundreds, thousands, or maybe even millions of listeners.

DJ Juggy, the official DJ for the “Utah Jazz” in the NBA (and also a member of the Heavy Hitters radio show) was calling all Salt Lake City rappers to send their best song to him. The songs he picked would be played during his live set on “Shade 45”, which is Eminem’s official radio station on SiriusXM.

I decided to submit my song “Everyone’s a Rapper Now” to him. The following day, I get an email from Juggy asking me if I’m from Utah? I told him “Yes”. He replied, “really dope song”. I thanked him for the kind remarks and went about my day.

A week later, he emailed me saying my song would be played later that same evening during the Heavy Hitters Show. I was ecstatic when I found out the news.

You can listen to the whole show here (my song comes in around 1:33:40):

(Note: there is explicit language throughout the broadcast.)

Surely, there have been many artists showcased on Eminem’s radio station, but I felt privileged just to have my song rotated to thousands (maybe even millions) of listeners that evening. Thank you again, Juggy!

That night was bittersweet, however. As excited as I was about my song being played on Shade 45, a terrible tragedy happened 2 hours later. The university I attend experienced another fatal shooting nearly 1 year to the date after a campus shooting had occurred. Lauren McCluskey, a fellow student, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, who later committed suicide. I had left the university hours before (not too far from where the shooting went down) just when the Heavy Hitters show had just started. I wish the best for the McCluskey family.

Switching gears to more positive news, a producer/fan named Cholo Beat$ recently remixed my album “Quantum Chaotica”. If you’re interested in listening to it (or adding it to your playlist on YouTube), you can check it out here:

As 2019 approaches, the new year brings new music, challenges, and opportunities. This year, I am moving forward with new ideas. Some of those involve me making a few difficult decisions, but they are for the better.

One of those major decisions is that I am no longer a part of any of the music groups I have previously identified to be in. I thank the talented emcees, producers, and engineers I’ve associated with over the years for their contributions. I wish them all the best in their journeys. I’m focusing primarily on my solo career as an emcee with a simultaneous openness to working with artists. The other decisions are music-related, but they will manifest themselves at a later time.

As supporters, YOU are the most important part of why I make music. I want you to be involved with my process. I want to hear your feedback. What do you (as a fan) want from me? What can I improve on? Let me know your thoughts on any social media platform.

That is all I have for now. If you want to see and hear more from me, be sure to subscribe to my website by submitting your email on the “Home” page.

Until next time, my friends…

Marcanum X

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